New Release HIFIMAN HE1000se is the Third Gen HE1000


The third generation of HIFIMAN HE1000 high-end headphones are here. Introducing HIFIMAN HE1000se.

New Release HIFIMAN HE1000se is the Third Gen HE1000

The new HIFIMAN HE1000se is a refined rendition of the already superb HE1000 V2. This third iteration headphone makes good on its predecessor by increasing the sensitivity to provide superior performance when paired with “every imaginable source.” Moreover, this source can range from  audiophile-grade source components to high-resolution digital audio players – even tablets and smartphones.

While HIFIMAN’s HE1000 V2 is highly regarded by the audiophile community, HIFIMAN founder and CEO Dr. Fang Bian sought to HIFIMAN founder and CEO Dr. Fang Bian is committed to improving upon HIFIMAN’s most celebrated products subsequently selecting one of the most high-performing headphones in the market at its price range. That being said, HIFIMAN HE1000se raises the sensitivity from 91 to 96 dB the HE1000se is much easier to drive across various sources. It also features neodymium magnets that increase efficiency, lower distortion, and vibrate faster. That’s also due in part to the diaphragm being only one nanometer yielding faster response and a high dynamic range. Together these elements create a driver that makes “recordings come to life, satisfying the most demanding listeners, no matter the genre, from soft acoustic music to high energy rock ‘n roll, and every genre in between presenting every sonic detail for a more compelling performance.” I like the sound of that! 

As far as the frame goes, HIFIMAN HE1000se features the same open-back build with a special patented “window shade” that minimizes distortion by avoiding unwanted reflections and vibrations. As a result, the soundstage is much wider, with more vivid spacial recreation. Also, if you recall, the V2 was primarily modified to provide more comfort and better support for wearers. Well, HIFIMAN HE1000se is said to be exceptionally comfortable, thanks to a specially designed headband that features a steady arch structure for stability and durability. As far as looks are concerned, this headphone is detailed with a new matte finish and ebony wood trim for a “smart, attractive touch that enhances the overall design.”

HIFIMAN HE1000se will retail for a projected price of $3499 and is available for pre-order at Audio46.

Orders are expected to ship in September.

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Weight: 440 g/15.52 oz.
Frequency response: 8Hz-65kHz
Sensitivity: 96dB
Impedance: 35 ohm


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