Sound Bounce Hearing Protection Headset

Sound Bounce Hearing Protection Headset

This company just crushed their Kickstarter goal and for good reason, their new headset & earmuffs use smart cushions and padding to protect your hearing against harmful sounds. Meet Sound Bounce.

Sound Bounce Hearing Protection Headset

Sound Bounce Hearing Protection Headset

These protective muffs are perfect for those who don’t have the funds to invest in active noise-cancelling headphones and are constantly surrounded by damaging noises. The earmuffs are comprised of acoustic insulation used in high-intensity noise applications such as aerospace, automotive, and heavy machinery.

This campaign specifically provides the purchaser with both a headset and a pair of earmuffs. The pair are able to provide wearers with maximum protection. The insert are filled with a smart material which is highly responsive and actively responds to the increases and decreases in acoustic levels in different noise environments. The material harnesses the sound energy incident upon it to become increasingly absorbent.

As Sound Bounce describes via their Kickstarter campaign page, “the more sound energy present, the more the material absorbs. The material is passive when sound energy levels are low which lets in desirable sounds, like conversations.” When the insulation is paired with the headset, Sound Bounce is 8 times more effective than just the foam inserts.

Sound Bounce is also said to be quite durable as it’s made from high-quality plastic. The headset is also water resistant and doesn’t require a battery to work. As of writing this article there are 11 hours left in this campaign so head over to Kickstater stat if you want to grab Sound Bounce at the Super Early Bird Special of $32 USD.

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