Zeeq Smart Pillow Will Revolutionize Sleep

Zeeq Smart Pillow

Let’s talk about this cool speaker integrated into a super soft pillow that also tracks your sleeping “vitals.” Meet Zeeq Smart Pillow.

Zeeq Smart Pillow Will Revolutionize Sleep

This pillow is built with not one, but eight speakers and a 5000 mAh battery hidden inside its cushioney goodness. The pillow was originally designed to solely play music subtlety enough for the user of the pillow to hear. However, Zeeq has been modified to do a whole lot more so users can get the most out of their sleep cycle.

The built-in speakers inside the pillow are able to be paired with any smart device thanks to Bluetooth technology. Using the self-titled companion app, users can also customize a playlist with their favorite songs or ambient noise.

Zeeq Smart Pillow

Zeeq app can also be used to analyze your sleep cycle, which includes a snore score, alarm settings, music playlists, as well as dietary habits and more. Making use of a number of motion sensors within the pillow, Zeeq is able to determine the best time to wake you up during your sleep cycle. An internal microphone records your snoring while the internal sensors keep track of your tossing to record the quality of your sleep and how much deep sleep you achieve.

But so what? This pillow is loaded with cool technology to take your sleep metrics to which you’ll look at and easily determine you don’t get enough sleep. What is Zeeq going to do to turn this round?

Well, if you are a heavy snorer Zeeq will know by measuring your snore decibels. The pillow will then vibrate gently to encourage the snorer to change positions. Smart Wake is the feature where your pillow will wake you up when it knows its best for your body. Bye-bye groggy! In addition, REM-Fit Audio allows for users to play ambient noises or their own relaxing playlist to drift off to sleep. But if none of the above works, the pillow is completely covered in memory foam. Yasssss!

Zeeq is currently available on Kickstarter at the low cost of $149 which is a steal compared to the MSRP of $299. The smart pillow will ship to backers in December 2016.

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Sade is a journalist talking all things tech. Contact: sade@majorhifi.com