Award-Winning EISA Headphones & DACs for the Particular Audiophile

Award-Winning EISA Headphones & DACs for the Particular Audiophile
c/o EISA

Approved by the Expert Imaging and Sound Association, the following headphones and digital analog converters are well-deserving of their hi-fi recognition making them a must try on your list. Award-Winning EISA Headphones & DACs for the Particular Audiophile.

Award-Winning EISA Headphones & DACs for the Particular Audiophile

EISA Headphones

Best High-End Headphone – Focal Clear

Focal Clear Headphones Award-Winning EISA Headphones & DACs

Awarded for its “clear nature,” Focal Clear headphones provides “nice separation between [the kick drum] and the low-mid frequencies of the bass guitar” in addition to  “thought-provoking, clear and detailed” mids and “nicely balanced” highs. Understandably, it’s the winner in this category. Read the full review here and grab it from Audio46 for $1499. Call in-store and mention “majorhifi” for a discount. It’s also available on Amazon.

Best Product – Sennheiser HD 660 S

Award-Winning EISA Headphones & DACs

This open-back rehash of the Sennheiser HD650 delivers “crisp punchy bass” with a smooth mid-range and sparkly highs. As EISA explains, “it is hard not to like its warm, laid-back and friendly sound which bests the performance of many ’phones at twice the price.” Learn more about the Sennheiser HD 660 S here and grab them at Audio46 for $499.95. Use discount code “majorhifi” for a special savings at checkout. It’s also available on Amazon.


Best Product – Chord Electronics Hugo 2

Award-Winning EISA Headphones & DACs Chord Hugo 2 DAC Headphone Amp

This modern-looking silver stallion of a DAC-amp is complete with filters to juice your headphones with “a vibrant and rhythmic sound” for up to 14 hours. Hugo 2 accommodates  both DSD and PCM digital audio formats as well as AptX digital audio codec available for Bluetooth devices. And that’s just the basics. Learn more in our Chord Electronics Hugo 2 review here and order it at the best price from Audio46. Call ’em up and mention “majorhifi” to receive a discount when you checkout. It’s also available on Amazon.

Best Product – iFi xDSD

iFi Audio xDSD Award-Winning EISA Headphones & DACs

Now, this little unit is quite special bringing together the best features from the iDSD lack Label and the iFi iOne. It possesses the ability to supporting high-resolution Bluetooth streaming thanks with aptX HD and AAC codecs and like the iDSD Black Label, the new xDSD supports MQA (Master Quality Audio) and the ability to tailor your music with xBass and 3D sound stage features we’ve become accustomed to on many iFi DAC-amp devices. It’s real nice and ble to be used with everything from you 32 ohm to 600 ohm headphone for up to 8 hours. Read the full review on this product here. It can be picked up for $399 from Audio46. Use code “majorhifi” to save. It’s also available on Amazon.

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About EISA:

EISA is the unique association of 53 special interest magazines from 25 countries. Internationally known for the European EISA Awards, EISA started in 1982 when the editors-in-chief from five European photo magazines came together to select “The Camera of the Year” for the first time. They had no idea that out of this meeting EISA – the European Imaging and Sound Association – would emerge some years later.

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