Audiophile Gift Ideas For Father’s Day 2022

It’s easy to understand the struggle of trying to find your dad the perfect gift for Father’s Day. However, if you know he has a love for music, then maybe this article can be of some sort of help. If you know anyone who likes music, why not make their listening experience better? Your Father might not know the differences in levels of audio quality, but getting him the right pair of headphones/IEMs/Bluetooth earbuds might just be the perfect give for his musical passion. There are a ton of different products in a variety of price ranges, so here’s a list of the best budget to high-end products currently on the market.

Budget-Fi Ideas for Father’s Day

Strauss and Wagner EM205

There is nothing more simple and more reliable than Strauss and Wagner’s EM205 earbuds. They’re clean and carry some energetic bass to properly grip you. If your dad isn’t the biggest audiophile but is still looking for a set of wired earbuds then this is the perfect candidate for your budget concerns. Strauss and Wagner also offer Type C and lightning earbuds as well in the EM8C and SI201.

Queen of Audio Vesper

One of the best options for IEMs under $100, the Queen of Audio Vesper is the perfect gift for a dad who’s looking for his first pair of IEMs. They sport a beautiful design and a thick,c crisp sound signature that will give him an easily enjoyable listening experience for the price.

Sivga SV021

As far as over-ear closed-back headphones are concerned, little comes close to the fidelity of the SV021 from Sivga. Not only will your father appreciate the great sound quality, but the wooden earcups as well. For $149 you won’t find another closed-back headphone like it.

Ifi Zen Air DAC

If you have a dad that works from home, or just wants to have a place to listen to his music, then he’ll need the right devices for it. The Zen Air DAC from iFi is one of the most inexpensive DAC amps around and can be used to power his headphones, and shape them in a satisfying way. It can connect easily to any computer using USB, and also has an extra bass boost option with XBass+.

Final Audio UX3000

It can be hard to find a good pair of Bluetooth headphones when you’re on a budget, but thankfully the UX3000 from Final Audio makes your decision easier. This $149 wireless over-ear is made by the fine people at Final Audio, who have delivered many great products in the past, such as their E series IEMs all the way to the D8000 Pro. With the UX3000 you can expect a simple but effective ANC headphone that makes use of a good soundstage and has a nice smooth bass. A good, economical bet for a Father’s day gift.

HiFiMAN Sundara

Mid-Fi Ideas For Father’s Day

Sennheiser Momentum 3

This is one of the best wireless over-ears on the market, and you can currently get it for a pretty great discount at $249, just for Father’s Day. From the noise-cancellation to the clear sound quality, the Momentum 3 can be your dad’s new go-to wireless headphones.

Bowers and Wilkins PI7

If the Sennheiser Momentum 3 would be your dad’s new go-to over-ear wireless, the Bowers and Wilkins PI7 could be his new favorite true wireless. Now on sale for $289, the PI7 boasts some impactful bass, with a clear frequency response and effective ANC for daily use.


One of the best mid-tier planar headphones around, the Sundara from HiFiMAN will be the perfect gift for any music lover. Now for just $299, your dad can have a great mid-budget setup with a great set of planar open-backs for his musical enjoyment.

Ifi Go Bar

This recently released DAC/Amp dongle is pretty much as everything you need for an adapter than will enhance your sound. With the Go Bar, your dad can enjoy this small but powerful dongle that has spatial audio capabilities as well as bass boost. It works with both iPhone and Type C android.

Hi-Fi Ideas For Father’s Day

Beyerdynamic DT 1990

One of the best dynamic open-back headphones around, with a fine sense of critical accuracy to music your father might appreciate. With a set of DT 1990’s your dad can hear his music for what it is without compromise, delivering a reference sound signature that is immersive and detailed.

Astell and Kern SR25 MKII

There have been a lot of headphones and accessories on this list, but not a ton of DAPs. These kinds of players usually go for a pretty hefty price, but I’m willing to bet that there would be nothing your dad would love more than to have his collection of CDs all in one place. A&K is one of the best brands for audio players due to its pure sound and easy-to-manage interface. This would be the ultimate gift for your audiophile dad.

For the best deals, you can visit Audio46.

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Alex Schiffer
Alex S. is a sound designer and voice-over artist who has worked in film, commercials, and podcasts. He loves horror movies and emo music.