Earlier in the year (February to be exact), Qualcomm announced the launch of its new flagship chipset QCC5100 to improve upon the functionality and life span of truly wireless earbuds. As of late, the global telecommunications company released yet another chipset, the Qualcomm QCC3026, to be more cost effective than its predecessor.
New Qualcomm QCC3026 Chipset for More Affordable True Wireless Earbuds
The new Qualcomm QCC3026 SoC is the latest release from Qualcomm. It is said to improve battery life by consuming 50% less power than previous iterations of the entry-level chipset. It is also fashioned to provide a better wireless connection by simultaneously connecting a smartphone to both earbuds. The overall intention of Qualcomm QCC3026 chipset is to provide better performance while keeping the cost low in truly wireless earbuds. As of now, most truly wireless earbuds on the market sit around the $200-$250 mark, with the most affordable and best performance at $159 with Apple AirPods.
Qualcomm’s flagship, the QCC5100, reportedly improves performance by reducing power consumption by up to 65%, but it is much more expensive. QCC5100 is said to be integrated into Mavin Air-X truly wireless earbuds that support a run time of 10-hour battery life and up to 50 hours with a portable charging case. That’s powerful!
Qualcomm QCC3026 will be integrated into Oppo’s new truly wireless earbuds O-Free that are included with a purchases of Oppo Find X phones.
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